Nashville Students Walk Out for Anti-Gun Protest

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – Monday marked another day of anti-gun protests in Nashville, as hundreds of Metro Nashville Public School (MNPS) students walked out of school and marched to the Tennessee State Capitol to demand gun control.

“HUNDREDS of students, activists, and community members in Nashville walked out of school this morning with us and are walking to the state Capital to DEMAND action against gun violence,” said the anti-gun group March For Our Lives on Twitter, attaching a video of some of the student protestors.

“We will not be silenced. Stop gun violence,” the protestors chanted.

More video shows the group protesting inside the Capitol building.

David Hogg is one of the leaders of the New York City-based, anti-gun group, March For Our Lives.

His sister Lauren and he survived a mass shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, by Nikolas Cruz, who killed 17 people and injured 17 more.

“Today young people demanded action with some of our student leaders in march for our lives who led a walk out demanding stronger gun laws,” Hogg said on Twitter.

“The movement for gun reform is growing. Thousands showed up today in Nashville to demand stronger laws,” said he said later.

More protests are scheduled for this week nationwide.

Thursday, a riot broke out inside the Capitol after hundreds of students pushed their way through the Capitol gallery towards the Tennessee House chamber. State Troopers, who guard the Capitol, managed to keep the rioters from breaking into the chamber, which is home to the offices of state lawmakers.

The riot was led in part by State Rep. Justin Jones (D-Nashville) and two other far-left Tennessee lawmakers.

The anti-gun riots and protests come in the wake of a mass shooting at The Covenant Presbyterian School last Monday.

As reported by The Tennessee Star on March 27, three children and three adults were killed by 28-year-old former student Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who identified as transgender. Nashville Metro Police Officers Rex Engelbert and Michael Collazo ended Hale’s rampage, killing her.

Hale reportedly left behind a manifesto which has not yet been released to the public, though officials confirmed that the shooting was planned for months in advance.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Michael Patrick Leahy contributed to this report.
Photo “Gun Violence Protest” by March For Our Lives.


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6 Thoughts to “Nashville Students Walk Out for Anti-Gun Protest”

  1. Joe Blow

    As an aside. Isn’t it comforting to know that these “students” missing class with not have one iota of impact on their education. They will still graduate dumb as dirt. My apologies to dirt.

  2. Steve Allen

    Spawn of the sheeple. Ya, let’s let 16 year olds vote.

  3. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    The Democrats have become nothing more than a bunch of Vax Injured, junk food eating, chemically castrated trans nuts. I grew up a Southern Democrat. My grandfather was Huey P. Long Democrat. I even liked Ralph Nader. (The Vax injured need to look him up.) These people are insane. Go back home. No one is giving up their guns.

  4. Randy

    Nothing wrong with Public Education Huh? It will only continue to get worse so long as we give into the appeasement of crazy and stupid.

  5. Tim Price

    This is a total socialist attempt to control the minds of our youth by progressives seeking to make a name for themselves.

    David Hogg is a hate filled person who only want the attention and who cares not about anyone but himself.

    I do hope that the three Tennessee representatives are expelled from the legislature because they acted like people seeking self made importance rather than someone wanting to help someone.

  6. John Bumpus

    From all of the Nashville television media (up to and including the Country Music television media if you happened to see the Country Music Awards a few days ago)/much of the local print media ‘hoopla’, one might think that these school kids protests are spontaneous. I doubt that there is anything spontaneous about them. To those who have seen this kind of ‘stuff’ before, these protests have been/are organized to the ‘nth’ degree. These so-called ‘walk outs’ have Democrat Party (i.e., Marxists, etc.—today’s Democrat Party is NOT your father’s and your grandfather’s Democrat Party) and Democrat Teacher Unions and other Democrat organization operatives ‘written all over them.’ All of these school kids would not be ‘out on the streets’ protesting if the Metro Nashville School Authorities and Mayor Cooper and the officials of multiple left-wing organizations did not permit them to be there. These protesting school kids are supposed to be in school. It is illegal for these kids not to be in school. It is costing Metro Nashville Schools (and other participating jurisdictions) money, ‘big money’, for each day that each child is not in school as the law requires. THIS is how the current Democrat Party ‘rolls’—using public money and public assets to promote a public policy which it/they want(s), but which the public at large utterly rejects! The Tennessee General Assembly must tell these leftists NO, and make it stick!
